These days modern living seems to be very face-paced. This makes it easy to become agitated or frustrated while you are driving in a city with a busy roadway. Regardless of how the roads are, you should always be practicing safe driving procedure in order to protect your life, your passengers, and others on the roadways.
Here we are going to offer some useful tips to use when you find yourself driving in a busy city. These tips are to help make sure that you are obeying posted traffic signs and other laws in order to decrease the chances of experiencing trouble behind the wheel and always be ready for the road.
Practice Safe Driving Procedure
You should always make safe and smart driving choices at all times when operating a motor vehicle. If you find yourself driving daily, it is necessary that you keep informed on current driving regulations and to constantly practice driving fundamentals. Busy cities are renown for parking issues, acts of road rage, and misunderstanding laws and ordinances. Here are some helpful fundamentals to keep in mind when you are driving:
- Avoid being involved in rear-end collisions as well as frequent braking by maintaining a safe distance between yourself and other motorists
- Slow down when braking in order to ensure you have enough time to come to a complete stop
- Always use turn signals and blinkers when changing or merging lanes. Pay attention to your state law concerning the required distance required when activating turn signals making a turn or merging into another lane
- Take the time to plan your trip ahead through the use of traffic apps or listening to radio reports to define heavily trafficked areas
The roads are designed for all drivers and vehicles to be used in order to travel to different locations within the city. Because of this, it is the responsibility of everyone to practice safe driving. You should always exhibit proper driving etiquette and behaviors when you are operating a motor vehicle.
Here are some examples of good driving behaviors to follow when you are driving around in a busy city:
- Do not take traffic problems too personally
- Never challenge other motorists to race
- Only use horn sparingly in order to limit misunderstandings
- Do not tailgate other vehicles
- Avoid blocking the passing lane
- Avoid blocking the turn lane
- Never use your mobile phone or device while behind the wheel
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Wear Seat Belts While in the Vehicle
According to information gathered from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a majority of deaths in traffic accidents are resulting from a lack of using seat belts as well as speeding. Information like this makes it clear that you should be wearing a seat belt at all times when you are inside a car that is traveling on the road. Even if you find yourself stuck in traffic, you should not take off your seat belt.
There are many benefits to wearing seat belts. A few of them are:
- The use of seat belts provides the most safety to the driver, passengers, and other motorists
- A seat belt helps keep you comfortable in your seat. This prevents you from being ejected from the car or through the windshield after a collision. This could cause severe bodily injuries
- Seat belts are meant to operate with airbags. This means that the airbag system becomes inadequate in the event you are not wearing a seat belt in the car
- You can survive even major car crashes and lessen chances of injury by using a seat belt
- Not wearing a seat belt has an effect on auto insurance rates. Failure to use a seat belt can result in traffic tickets which can increase your auto insurance rates as you will be considered an at-risk driver.
- Seat belts prevent your auto insurance from declining or choosing to not cover damages in a crash due to not using a seatbelt. Some insurance policies contain a clause stating that state you cannot be reimbursed for any damages if you chose to wear your seat belt during a vehicle accident
Forego Aggressive Driving
Everyone has heard some sort of story about road rage. While traffic and other drivers can be frustrating, it is possible to control your road rage and prevent it from manifesting itself. When traveling in a large city, many motorists are working, stressed out, trying to meet a deadline, or just generally in a rush.
Here are a few driving tips to control your road rage before it gets the better of you:
- Try to remain courteous and polite even in the event that the other driver is not acting calm or reasonable. Move your vehicle or avoid an argument to stop any form of conflict before it begins
- Try to leave enough space if you find yourself stuck in traffic. This will allow you to pull out from behind the motorist you are following
- Make certain that all your doors of your vehicle are closed and locked. Listen to relaxing music when behind the wheel to decrease your stress levels and avoid anger while operating a car
- Call 911 immediately or travel to a nearby police station if an aggressive driver confronts you
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Fatal Vehicle Collisions in Salt Lake City
Unsafe driving habits are a large reason for fatal car accidents. Speeding alone accounts for nearly 40% of all deaths related to traffic accidents in the state of Utah. Drunk driving accounts for at least 13% of all deaths.
If you or someone you care about has found themselves to have sustained injuries in the result of an auto accident due to another driver’s negligence, you may be able to receive some form of compensation for your financial damages, including medical costs and lost income. You should discuss your claim with an experienced car crash attorney today to make sure you protect your rights after an accident.
Siegfried & Jensen have recovered over $850 million for our valuable clients. Contact us at (801) 266-0999 to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case with an experienced Utah car crash attorney today.
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