Being involved in a car accident can be terrifying and overwhelming. One of the biggest issues that arise after a person is injured by a negligent driver in a car accident is that victims generally do not have much knowledge regarding the legal process of filing a claim for compensation. Unfortunately, the lack of knowledge often prevents accident victims from taking any kind of legal action against the at-fault drivers.
Accident victims are often reluctant because they are unsure of how to file a personal injury claim. Victims do not know the appropriate way to deal with insurance companies, nor do they usually know what the process of trial and negotiation entails.
If you were injured in a car accident due to a negligent driver, it is imperative that you know what to expect. Siegfried & Jensen is here to explain the process to make things easier for you. Feel free to contact our law firm at any time to schedule a free consultation so we can review your case and determine the best legal route for you.
Filing The Personal Injury Lawsuit
Before you move forward with legal action, it is crucial to prepare your case and evidence accurately and thoroughly. You need to know that filing a lawsuit requires accurate and complete information. It is also critical that you meet the statute of limitations. Waiting too long to file a lawsuit can prevent you from recovering the compensation you are entitled to.
Make sure all of the information and statements are true and accurate. You will want everything you file to be consistent to support your claim of what happened. Your information should reflect that you were injured due to the defendant’s negligent or reckless actions and, as a result, you sustained damages for your injuries.
In legal terms, damages are the financial, physical, and emotional burdens placed upon you because of the accident. Working with a personal injury attorney will ensure you accurately compile medical records and financial records to reflect the amount of burden you are facing from the accident.
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Recoverable Damages In A Personal Injury Case
Victims who are injured due to the neglect or reckless behavior of another person or party may be able to recover compensation for their damages and injuries. Some of the most common awards for damages include:
Lost Earnings: Individuals who are forced out of work due to their injuries can recover compensation for their lost earnings. This can cover days missed for recovery, doctor appointments, or being forced out of work indefinitely.
Medical Expenses: Accident victims often have to go to the emergency room to seek immediate medical treatment. They may have exams or tests performed and have to attend several follow up appointments. There are also instances where surgeries, therapies, and rehabilitation are required to help individuals recover. All of these expenses, as well as medications and medical equipment, can be recovered by filing a personal injury lawsuit. Accident victims can recover funds for their past, current, and future medical expenses related to their injuries.
Pain and Suffering: Sustaining injuries not only wreak havoc on your physical health, but it can cause endless emotional distress. Individuals who sustain injuries can recover compensation for the pain they experience as well as any depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, or feelings of hopelessness they experience.
Property Loss: If you were injured in a car accident, most likely your vehicle needs to be repaired or replaced. You are entitled to recover compensation to fix or replace your car from the at-fault party. Furthermore, you can recover compensation for rental cars so you can attend medical appointments and get around as needed.
The Role Of The At-Fault Party’s Insurance Company
The at-fault driver will most likely be supported by their insurance company, which has a large legal team within reach. Their teams of lawyers are aggressive and work diligently to limit the amount of money they pay out to accident victims. Quite often, insurance companies will contact accident victims to acquire recorded statements to reduce their liability.
It is crucial that you understand that you do not have to speak with them. Hiring a personal injury attorney will help protect your legal rights during this time. A car injury attorney can speak with you in confidence, and then draft a statement to file with your claim that demonstrates how the at-fault driver is responsible for your injuries.
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When Do Car Accident Cases Go To Trial?
Most often, car accident lawsuits are settled through aggressive settlement negotiations before going to trial. Settlements are offers provided to accident victims from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. The settlement offer is made by the insurance company as an attempt to provide compensation to the injury victim while preventing them from taking any further legal actions against the driver.
If you do not feel the settlement offer is adequate to cover the damages you sustained, you can seek the maximum amount of compensation by going to trial. Sometimes, this route is the best option. Not only does it make the wrongdoing of the at-fault party public record, but it allows you to recover a full and fair amount of compensation from insurance companies that are unwilling to cooperate. There are instances where at-fault drivers are so severely negligent that victims opt for trials simply to inform the public about their actions. This route is usually taken against large companies who act severely negligent in their practices in order to save money.
Working with an experienced attorney will ensure you recover the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to for your injuries. At Siegfried & Jensen, we work diligently to ensure accident victims receive compensation, justice, and the best possible outcome for their cases.
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How A Salt Lake City Car Accident Attorney Can Help You
At Siegfried & Jensen, our personal injury attorneys are dedicated to helping accident victims protect their legal rights. If you have sustained an injury due to another party’s negligent or reckless acts, it is crucial that you contact our law firm immediately. Scheduling a free, no obligations consultation will enable us to review your case and explore which legal options you have available. Contact Siegfried & Jensen at (801) 598-1218 to schedule a consultation today.
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