PIP stands for Personal Injury Protection, but most people just call it no-fault insurance. Because Utah is a no-fault insurance state, this kind of coverage is mandatory for all insurance policies. This coverage is designed to pay for medical bills, lost wages, and lost household services in case of an automobile accident. Call or text …
When Insurance Doesn’t Help After a Utah Car Crash

Car crashes can happen without warning. Many times, these accidents are extremely terrifying and alarming for those involved. When you are not responsible for the crash, it can be very frustrating and troublesome. You have proper insurance coverage, and you may expect that other drivers have the same. After the crash takes place, you may …
How Insurance Adjusters Handle Personal Injury Claims

Insurance Adjuster Motivation When an insurance adjuster is assigned to a case to investigate the circumstance of a case, they are trying to find out the true value of the claim. They are employed by the insurance provider. This means they are not working for you as an insurance carrier or a car crash victim. …
What Is Utah No-Fault Insurance Coverage?

Utah law mandates that owners of vehicles maintain a certain minimum level of auto insurance coverage on any car registered and driven within state borders. There are even sometimes coverage requirements applied for non-residents who operate a car inside the state for extended periods of time. Utah is what is known as a “no-fault” car …
How Does the Insurance Company Determine the Value of Pain and Suffering?

If you have been harmed directly due to the recklessness of another person, you may be eligible to recover compensation from the insurance provider of the at-fault party through filing what is referred to as a “third-party” claim. After you establish that the defendant is the one liable for your sustained injuries, you will also …
When To Notify Your Insurance Provider of a Utah Car Crash

Regardless of fault, it is crucial that you contact your insurance provider and report any incident that involves injuries or property damage. It is a common myth that you do not need to call your insurance provider if you were not at fault for the accident. This is not actually the case because there are …
Common Reasons for Denied Claims and How to Avoid Them
If you are involved in a vehicle collision, the next thing people usually do is file a claim with the insurance company of the at-fault driver. Recovering lost compensation from insurance claims is an important step to cover the costs of medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, along with other damages that are the …
What to Do When the Insurer Says Your Car Is a Total Loss

If you are thinking of filing a property damage claim after an auto accident, and the insurance company is telling you that your vehicle is a total loss, you may be wondering: what happens now? You may even disagree with the valuation of the insurance company. Does it make a difference whose insurance company you …
How to Handle Insurance Companies After a Crash

If you were injured as the result of a car crash, you should file a report with your insurance company immediately following the accident. When you deal with insurance companies after a crash, they will often assign an insurance adjuster to evaluate your claim. The adjuster will gather information involving the incident. This includes who …
What You Should Know When Filing a Car Accident Claim

What Are the Stages of the Claim Process? There are times when filing a car accident claim in Salt Lake City is a straight-forward and easy process. However, this is not always the case. Of course, there are moments when there is a clear cause of the incident, and the at-fault party willingly accepts their …
Denied Car Insurance Claims: What You Can Do
Insurance is meant to be a safety net in life. After an auto accident, you should be able to file an insurance claim, which can help you pay for any damages done to your vehicle or any medical expenses you’ve accrued because of injuries sustained during the accident. While not everything will be paid for …
How Does Blame Impact Coverage in a Utah Auto Accident?

Automobile accidents can be extremely stressful. This is especially true if you are even the slightest bit concerned that you may be at-fault in some way. You may be second-guessing your actions behind the wheel, causing you to ask yourself several questions to determine what happened. Did you take your eyes off the road for …
Talking With the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company

Individuals who are involved in automobile accidents often have various questions regarding their legal obligations and options. What are victims required to do after accidents? How quickly are they required to complete these tasks? Quite often, one of the biggest concerns accident victims have is how and when they should contact the insurance company of …
How Does Uninsured Motorist Insurance Coverage Work?

Being involved in a car accident can have a major impact on your life. You risk suffering serious and life-threatening injuries, you are burdened financially with medical bills, you may not be able to work to provide for your family, and you sure aren’t going to make it wherever you were heading – anytime soon. …