Special Olympics in Utah
Today the Special Olympics operates in many locations around the world and has helped thousands of people with disabilities to discover just how much they are capable of. We are proud of our Utah locals who participate annually.
The 1st International Special Olympics Summer Games were held in July of 1968 at Soldier Field in Chicago, IL.
This event marked a victory for Eunice Kennedy Shriver who, in the early 1960s, took note of injustices in her community regarding individuals with intellectual disabilities.
She saw people with potential who were not being given a chance, and unfortunately, society had taught them to focus more on what they couldn’t do than on what they could do.
Humble Beginnings
Starting a summer day camp in her back yard called ‘Camp Shriver’, Eunice decided to try and make a difference.
By 1971 the U.S. Olympic Committee authorized the Special Olympics to be one of only two U.S. organizations that were permitted to include the word “Olympics” as a part of the organization’s title.
Today the Special Olympics operates in many locations around the world and has helped thousands of people with disabilities to discover just how much they are capable of. We are so proud of them.
The Inspire Greatness Award
In November of 2012 The Utah Special Olympics bestowed upon the law firm of Siegfried & Jensen the ‘Janet Q. Lawson Inspire Greatness Award’ recognizing the years of effort and financial support the firm has given their organization.