Salt Lake City Electric Scooter Accident Lawyer

If you ride an electric scooter and a car slams into you and your vehicle, you could hold the at-fault motorist accountable for damage to your property and other losses.

Alternatively, if an e-scooter rider crashes into you, this individual can be liable for the incident. In these scenarios, consult with a Salt Lake City electric scooter accident lawyer to review your legal options. 

Siegfried & Jensen is a Utah personal injury law firm that has helped our clients recover over $1.2 billion in damages. Our Salt Lake City personal injury lawyer can assist you with your electric scooter case. Contact us for more information. 

Determining Who Is Liable for an Electric Scooter Accident

Our team understands that every case is different. They will evaluate the facts surrounding your e-scooter accident to figure out who is liable. Parties that could be held responsible for your losses include:

  • E-scooter rider
  • Motorist
  • E-scooter rental company
  • E-scooter manufacturer
  • Government entity
  • Parent or guardian of a teenager who was riding an e-scooter

The Siegfried & Jensen team can teach you about the types of accidents involving motor vehicles in Utah. We can review your electric scooter accident in-depth and look for ways to help you recover the most damages possible from any liable parties. Request a free case consultation today. 

How to Recover Damages If an E-Scooter Rider Crashes into Your Car

Utah has vehicle insurance requirements for motorists, but these do not apply to e-scooter riders. Regardless, a rider could have insurance coverage, and you may be able to get compensation for your accident through this individual’s insurer. 

An electric scooter accident lawyer in Salt Lake City, UT, can help you file an insurance claim. If your claim is successful, an at-fault rider’s insurer will cover all of your crash-related losses. On the other hand, this insurance company can contest your claim and make it difficult to recover damages. 

If warranted, your attorney can seek damages via an injury lawsuit. In regards to personal injury lawsuits and time limits in Utah, you may have up to four years from the date of your accident to sue a liable party. An e-scooter accident lawyer can help you file your lawsuit in alignment with the statute of limitations. 

What It Takes to Receive Salt Lake City Electric Scooter Accident Damages If You Get Hit by a Motorist 

An electric scooter accident attorney in Salt Lake City, UT, can help you pursue damages through an insurance claim. They can give you details about how insurance works relative to your case.

You could ask the at-fault motorist’s insurer to cover your losses, which may allow you to get compensation that you can use to recover financially from your accident. 

Keep in mind that a liable motorist’s insurance company is more likely to focus on its client’s best interests over yours. Thus, even if this driver is responsible for your accident, their insurer can dispute your claim. The business may do so because it wants to do everything it can to avoid paying damages. 

If you work with a lawyer who has received many positive client reviews, they can put you in a strong position in negotiations with an insurance company. Regardless, the negotiating process offers no guarantees. If an insurer does not offer adequate compensation for your crash-related losses, your lawyer may encourage you to file a lawsuit. 

What an Electric Scooter Accident Lawsuit Entails

We focus on settling or winning your personal injury case in as little time as possible. They can collect a wealth of evidence on your behalf. Proof that you could use to prepare a compelling argument includes:

  • Accident scene photos and videos
  • Witness statements
  • Medical records
  • Pay stubs
  • Traffic camera footage

If you have a large body of evidence, it becomes increasingly challenging to disprove your argument. Your proof could lead the defendant in your lawsuit to propose a settlement. If you approve a settlement offer, you can resolve your lawsuit without having to go to trial. 

Reasons You Could Get Damages in Your Lawsuit

An electric scooter accident attorney in Salt Lake City can explain what are compensatory damages in car accidents and electric scooter collisions. You could receive economic or non-economic damages in your lawsuit. Types of damages awarded in e-scooter cases include:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Expenses to repair or replace a car or e-scooter

It is your responsibility to prove to a judge or jury that you deserve damages. Ultimately, the court will weigh your proof against the evidence provided by the defendant and consider many factors as they decide whether to award damages.

If you have an experienced lawyer at your side, you can boost your chances of getting maximum damages. 

The Potential Impact of Comparative Negligence

Per Utah’s comparative negligence law, you may recover damages in an electric scooter accident lawsuit if you are partly liable. What you receive in damages depends on your percentage of fault. If you are primarily to blame for your accident, you may not get any compensation for your losses. 

To understand how comparative negligence works, consider an example. A judge or jury finds you to be 20% to blame for an escooter accident. If this happens, the defendant may be ordered to pay 80% of your damages.

Also, consider what can happen if a judge or jury says you are 51% liable for an electric scooter accident. In this situation, you are more at fault for the accident than the defendant. Therefore, the defendant may not have to pay you anything, and you could be fully liable for your losses. 

Hire an E-Scooter Accident Attorney Who Can Help You Get the Money You Deserve

The Siegfried & Jensen team simplifies the personal injury case process. We can handle all aspects of your legal proceedings and help you get an e-scooter accident case verdict or settlement that lines up with your expectations.

Schedule a free case consultation.