Car accidents happen suddenly and without notice. Individuals are driving down the roadway one moment, when, the next thing they know, they hear the loud crash of another vehicle hitting theirs, and suddenly they are being jerked around. When accidents happen, victims are often overcome with adrenaline and anxiety. They may feel excruciating pain or they may not know immediately.
Quite often, victims are so overwhelmed by the shock and terror caused by the incident, that they often do not know how to respond. Although the time immediately following a car accident is devastating, confusing, and terrifying, it is crucial for individuals to maintain their composure as best as they can and seek immediate medical attention.
Not only is it crucial to get medical treatment to save your own life, but it is also a critical part of being able to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver. Auto wreck attorneys at Siegfried & Jensen have extensive experience helping accident victims obtain full and fair compensation for their injuries and damages.
Getting Treatment After An Accident
Quite often, individuals endure injuries in car accidents, but they are unaware of them immediately. When involved in a car accident, victims are often overwhelmed with adrenaline, fear, and various other emotions that prevent them from truly feeling the physical effects of the accident.
It is common for victims to sustain serious neck and back injuries, injuries to internal organs, and even broken bones without feeling the impacts immediately. If a person goes without getting some of these conditions addressed immediately, it can be potentially life-threatening. Instead, it is crucial to seek immediate medical help to ensure you are able to address any and every medical problem as soon as possible.
Even if you feel as though you were uninjured in the car accident, it is imperative to go to the hospital for a full evaluation, in case you have an injury with delayed onset of symptoms. You will be able to speak with medical professionals who are able to diagnose any wounds you may have unknowingly sustained. You will also need to follow up with any doctors, specialists, or surgeons recommended by the emergency room physician.
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Gathering Evidence For Your Claim
While it is true that your health is extremely important, getting medical attention is also a critical part of being able to file a successful personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver. Even if you are not immediately filing a lawsuit, it is crucial to begin documenting your injuries as soon as possible. Medical records of your injuries will help attest to the harm you received.
When it comes to filing a personal injury lawsuit against an at-fault driver, you will need to meet the burden of proof in order to be successful. This burden is met by demonstrating that the at-fault driver had a duty to provide care to others on the roadways, the driver breached their duty of care, that breach caused the accident, and finally, the accident is what led to your injuries. Seeking medical attention immediately after the accident will help bolster your claim that you were injured in the accident and not suffering from a pre-existing condition. Furthermore, if you had pre-existing conditions that were aggravated by the accident, it is crucial to keep a solid record in support of this claim.
After you seek immediate medical attention, it is imperative for you to follow very closely all of the doctor’s orders. If they tell you that you need surgery or should refrain from engaging in strenuous activities, it is imperative to listen. You do not want your injuries to get any worse. Furthermore, you will need to attend all follow-up appointments, rehabilitation, and therapy to help facilitate your recovery.
Attorneys Help With Your Legal Claims
If you sustain injuries in a car accident caused by a negligent or reckless driver, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention in order to protect both your health and your legal rights. Once you undergo medical treatment, it is just as crucial to seek the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney. Attorneys work on behalf of accident victims to assist them in various ways.
At Siegfried & Jensen, we help accident victims contact insurance companies, gather evidence and documents from medical professionals and law enforcement, hire expert witnesses when necessary, and put together legal claims for compensation. When required, we contact expert witnesses to assist clients in calculating lost wages or recreating the scene of the accident to uncover critical clues to support their claims.
Attorneys at our law firm work diligently to help accident victims recover reimbursement for an array of damages caused by their accidents. Some of the compensatory damages we help victims collect include:
- Lost wages and earnings;
- Medical expenses;
- Pain and suffering;
- Mental anguish;
- Property damage; and
- Loss of consortium.
In some cases, victims are able to obtain non-compensatory damages as well. These damages, which are often referred to as punitive damages, are awarded to accident victims as a form of punishment toward the at-fault driver. Working with a skilled legal professional will ensure you are able to obtain the maximum amount of compensation for your legal claim.
Click to contact our personal injury lawyers today
A Utah Car Accident Attorney Can Help You
If you sustain injuries in a car accident that was caused by no fault of your own, it is crucial for you to hire a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. A reputable and experienced attorney from Siegfried & Jensen can help you file your claim and negotiate a fair settlement for your injuries and damages.
Since 1990, our law firm has helped over 35,000 accident victims recover over $850 million in compensation for their accidents. If you were injured due to a negligent driver, contact our law firm as soon as possible at (801) 266-0999. We have four offices located throughout Utah so that you can schedule a free consultation close to home at your earliest convenience. By hiring us, you can rest assured knowing your legal rights are protected while you focus on your recovery.
Call or text (801) 266-0999 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form